library(microbialkitchen) # load the library
knitr::opts_chunk$set(fig.width = 7, fig.height = 4)

Units & Metric Scaling

All chemical quantities in this package keep track of the units they represent with a base unit as detailed in the quantities vignette and a metric prefix. By default, the metric prefix is adjusted automatically to keep numeric values in a range close to 1. However, scaling to a specific prefix is easily achieved.

# automatic scaling
qty(5000, "g") # automatically scaled to kg
## <mk_mass[1]>
## [1] 5
qty(5000, "g", scale_to_best_metric = FALSE) # stays g
## <mk_mass[1]>
## [1] 5000
# specific scaling
qty(100, "mg") %>% base_metric() # scale to the base unit (here g)
## <mk_mass[1]>
## [1] 0.1
qty(100, "mM") %>% base_metric() # scale to the base unit (here M)
## <mk_molarity_concentration[1]>
## [1] 0.1
qty(100, "mg") %>% scale_metric("k")
## <mk_mass[1]>
## [1] 1e-04

The actual numeric value of a quantity can be retrieved via the get_qty_value() function which takes an optional parameter to specify which unit the value should be retrieved in (by default it is the unit that the quantity is currently in).

qty(100, "mg") %>% get_qty_value() # returns 100
## [1] 100
qty(0.1, "g") %>% get_qty_value() # returns 100 because the units are "mg"
## [1] 100
qty(0.1, "g") %>% get_qty_value("g") # better to be specific upon retrieval
## [1] 0.1
qty(0.1, "g") %>% get_qty_value("kg") # can use any valid unit
## [1] 1e-04
qty(0, "C") %>% get_qty_value("F") # or use it for unit conversion
## [1] 32
qty(760, "Torr") %>% get_qty_value("atm") # or use it for unit conversion
## [1] 1

To retrieven numeric values as text that includes their units, simply use get_qty_text() instead of get_qty_value().

# get quantity with unit
qty(100, "mg") %>% get_qty_text()
## [1] "100 mg"
qty(0:10, "C") %>% get_qty_text("F")
##  [1] "32 F"   "33.8 F" "35.6 F" "37.4 F" "39.2 F" "41 F"   "42.8 F" "44.6 F"
##  [9] "46.4 F" "48.2 F" "50 F"
qty(760, "Torr") %>% get_qty_text("atm")
## [1] "1 atm"

To retrieve each quantity in it’s ideal metric scaling, use get_qty_text_each().

# without "each" 
qty(c(0.1, 1, 1000), "g") %>% get_qty_text()
## [1] "0.1 g"  "1 g"    "1000 g"
# with "each"
qty(c(0.1, 1, 1000), "g") %>% get_qty_text_each()
## [1] "100 mg" "1 g"    "1 kg"

The units of a quantity object can also be retrieved directly with the get_qty_units() function for a single quantity, list of quantities as well as entire data frames (see details on the latter in the data frames section).

qty(5000, "g") %>% get_qty_units()
## [1] "kg"
x <- list(
  a = qty(5000, "g"),
  b = 42,
  c = qty(100, "mbar")
x %>% get_qty_units()
##      a      b      c 
##   "kg"     NA "mbar"


Several common arithmetic operations are implemented for easy interconversion between quantities. All arithmetic operations also automatically keep track of the units and metric prefixes for correct calculations.

Addition and Subtraction

Quantities of the same type (e.g. masses, volumes, etc.) can be added or subtracted with proper interpration of the metric prefixes. The resulting quantity will be scaled to the best metric prefix as described above. Attempts to add or subtract non-matching quantities (e.g. mass + volume) or a quantity and a number without units will fail with an error to avoid unexpect behaviour and ambiguous calculations.

qty(0.003, "g") - qty(2, "mg") + qty(5, "µg") # 1.005 mg
## <mk_mass[1]>
## [1] 1.005
try(qty(1, "g") + qty(1, "L")) # not allowed
## Error in vec_arith("+", e1, e2) : 
##   <mk_mass> + <mk_volume> is not permitted
try(qty(1, "g") + 1) # not allowed
## Error in qty_numeric_divide_multiply(op, x, y) : 
##   <mk_mass> + <double> is not permitted

Multiplication / Division

Quantities can be multipled/divided by a number. The resulting quantity will be scaled to the best metric prefix. This is most commonly used with multiplication/division by 1000.

qty(1, "mg") * 1000 # convert mg into g
## <mk_mass[1]>
## [1] 1
qty(1, "mg") / 1e6 # convert mg into ng
## <mk_mass[1]>
## [1] 1

Quantities can also be divided by another quantity of the same type (e.g. a mass by another mass) effectively canceling out the units resulting in a regular number (with the metric prefixes properly taken into consideration).

# how many mg in a kg?
qty(1, "mg") / qty(1, "kg")
## [1] 1e-06

Additional multiplications and divisions are possible for specific combinations of quantities as detailed below. These formulas are each implemented for all three possible arrangements.

Concentration (Molarity) = Amount / Volume

qty(5, "nmol") / qty(50, "mL") # calculation molarity
## <mk_molarity_concentration[1]>
## [1] 100
qty(5, "nmol") / qty(100, "nM") # calculate volume
## <mk_volume[1]>
## [1] 50
qty(100, "nM") * qty(50, "mL") # calculate amount
## <mk_amount[1]>
## [1] 5

Concentration (Density) = Mass / Volume

qty(5, "ng") / qty(50, "mL") # calculate density
## <mk_mass_concentration[1]>
## [1] 100
qty(5, "ng") / qty(100, "ng/L") # calculate volume
## <mk_volume[1]>
## [1] 50
qty(100, "ng/L") * qty(50, "mL") # calculate mass
## <mk_mass[1]>
## [1] 5

Amount = Mass / Molecular Mass

qty(10, "g") / qty (50, "g/mol") # calculate amount
## <mk_amount[1]>
## [1] 200
qty(10, "g") / qty(200, "mmol") # calculate molecular weight
## <mk_molecular_weight[1]>
## [1] 50
qty(200, "mmol") * qty (50, "g/mol") # calculate mass
## <mk_mass[1]>
## [1] 10

Solubility = Molarity / Pressure

qty(10, "mM") / qty(200, "mbar") # calculate solubility
## <mk_gas_solubility[1]>
## [1] 50
qty(10, "mM") / qty(50, "mM/bar") # calculate pressure
## <mk_pressure[1]>
## [1] 200
qty(50, "mM/bar") * qty (200, "mbar") # calculate molarity
## <mk_molarity_concentration[1]>
## [1] 10


Quantities can be compared with all common logic operators (>, >=, <, <=, ==, !=) taking the metric scaling properly into consideration. Attempts to compare non-matching quantities (e.g. mass & volume) will fail with an error to avoid unexpect behaviour. Comparisons of quantities with numerics are allowed but it is important to be cautious about these since the metric scaling in quantities affects the numeric value.

qty(5, "mg") < qty(1, "g")
## [1] TRUE
qty(5, "mg") > qty(10, "ng")
## [1] TRUE
qty(5, "mg") == qty(0.005, "g")
## [1] TRUE
qty(5, "mg") != qty(5, "g")
## [1] TRUE
try(qty(1, "mg") > qty(1, "L")) # not allowed (different quantities)
## Error in vec_compare(e1, e2) : 
##   Can't combine `..1` <mk_mass> and `..2` <mk_volume>.

It is important to note that due to machine errors, the == is best avoided in favor of more reliable comparisions such as tests that check whether the difference between quantities is smaller than a tiny quantity:

(x <- qty(1, "mg"))
## <mk_mass[1]>
## [1] 1
(y <- x / 3)
## <mk_mass[1]>
## [1] 333.3333
(x2 <- y * 3)
## <mk_mass[1]>
## [1] 1
x == x2 # should be identical but is not because of machine precision
## [1] FALSE
abs(x - x2) < qty(1, "fg") # absolute difference smaller than 1 femtogram
## [1] TRUE

Data Frames

Quantities are fully supported in dplyr type data frames (tibbles) and the type and units of a quantity are displayed underneath the column headers, e.g. V<mL> to indicate a quantity column that is a volume and has the units of mL.

  weight = qty(1:5, "mg"),
  volume = qty(20, "mL")
## # A tibble: 5 × 2
##      weight     volume
##   <mk_mass> <mk_volum>
## 1         1         20
## 2         2         20
## 3         3         20
## 4         4         20
## 5         5         20

This also means that all arithmetic operations are allowed within data frames.

df <- tibble(
  weight = qty(1:5, "mg"),
  vol = qty(20, "mL"),
  mw = qty(500, "g/mol"),
  amount = weight / mw,
  conc = amount / vol
## # A tibble: 5 × 5
##      weight        vol         mw     amount       conc
##   <mk_mass> <mk_volum> <mk_mlcl_> <mk_amont> <mk_mlrt_>
## 1         1         20        500          2        100
## 2         2         20        500          4        200
## 3         3         20        500          6        300
## 4         4         20        500          8        400
## 5         5         20        500         10        500

To get the columns’ units use get_qty_units()

##  weight     vol      mw  amount    conc 
##    "mg"    "mL" "g/mol"  "µmol"    "µM"

To make units of specific columns explicit, use make_qty_units_explicit()

# make weight and concentration explicit
df %>% make_qty_units_explicit(weight = "g", conc = "mM")
## # A tibble: 5 × 5
##   `weight [g]`        vol         mw     amount `conc [mM]`
##          <dbl> <mk_volum> <mk_mlcl_> <mk_amont>       <dbl>
## 1        0.001         20        500          2         0.1
## 2        0.002         20        500          4         0.2
## 3        0.003         20        500          6         0.3
## 4        0.004         20        500          8         0.4
## 5        0.005         20        500         10         0.5
# change the format for the units
df %>% make_qty_units_explicit(weight = "g", conc = "mM", prefix = ".", suffix = "")
## # A tibble: 5 × 5
##   weight.g        vol         mw     amount conc.mM
##      <dbl> <mk_volum> <mk_mlcl_> <mk_amont>   <dbl>
## 1    0.001         20        500          2     0.1
## 2    0.002         20        500          4     0.2
## 3    0.003         20        500          6     0.3
## 4    0.004         20        500          8     0.4
## 5    0.005         20        500         10     0.5


Quantities are automatically plotted with proper axis labels if used in ggplot.

# example data set
## Attaching package: 'dplyr'
## The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
##     filter, lag
## The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
##     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union
df <- 
    conc = qty(c(0.1, 25), "mM"),
    volume = qty(c(0.2, 90, 400), "mL")
  ) %>% 
    amount = conc * volume
## # A tibble: 6 × 3
##         conc     volume     amount
##   <mk_mlrt_> <mk_volum> <mk_amont>
## 1        0.1        0.2       0.02
## 2        0.1       90         9   
## 3        0.1      400        40   
## 4       25          0.2       5   
## 5       25         90      2250   
## 6       25        400     10000

By default, units are included in the x and y axes titles if a quantity is being plotted. Discrete quantities used for other aesthetics can be converted to a factor using as_factor which automatically includes the units.

df %>% mutate(conc = as_factor(conc)) %>% 
  ggplot() +
  aes(x = volume, y = amount, color = conc) +
  geom_line() +
  facet_wrap(~conc, scales = "free")

Alternatively, the unit can be specified using the scale_x_qty() and scale_y_qty() functions and the unit parameter to the as_factor function. Units must be valid for the quantities that are plotted.

df %>% mutate(conc = as_factor(conc, unit = "M")) %>% 
  ggplot() +
  aes(x = volume, y = amount, color = conc) +
  geom_line() +
  facet_wrap(~conc, scales = "free") +
  scale_x_qty(unit = "L") +
  scale_y_qty(unit = "mmol")

It is also possible to use the each parameter in scale_x_qty() and scale_y_qty() as well as the as_factor function to use the ideal metric units for each value. For the axes, this switches from including the unit in the axis title to the individual axis values.

df %>%
  mutate(conc = as_factor(conc, each = TRUE)) %>% 
  ggplot() +
  aes(x = volume, y = amount, color = conc) +
  geom_line() +
  facet_wrap(~conc, scales = "free") +
  scale_x_qty(each = TRUE) +
  scale_y_qty(each = TRUE)

It is also possible to combine each and a specific unit for the scale_x_qty() and scale_y_qty() functions. This leads to individual axis value labels in the desired unit.

df %>%
  mutate(conc = as_factor(conc, each = TRUE)) %>% 
  ggplot() +
  aes(x = volume, y = amount, color = conc) +
  geom_line() +
  facet_wrap(~conc, scales = "free") +
  scale_x_qty(unit = "L", each = TRUE) +
  scale_y_qty(unit = "mmol", each = TRUE)

Lastly, the scale_x_qty() and scale_y_qty() support all axis transformations supported by scale_x_continuous() and scale_y_continuous(). For example the log10 transform can be used like this:

df %>%
  mutate(conc = as_factor(conc, each = TRUE)) %>% 
  ggplot() +
  aes(x = volume, y = amount, color = conc) +
  geom_line() +
  facet_wrap(~conc, scales = "free") +
  scale_x_qty(trans = "log10", each = TRUE) +
  scale_y_qty(trans = "log10", each = TRUE)


Quantities can be concatenated using the regular c() function (or the more explicit c_qty()) as long as they are the same type of quantity (e.g. all masses). Concatenation make sure that the metric prefix is taken into consideration and scales the new vector to the best metric of the median.

  qty(1, "g"), 
  qty(1:3, "mg"),
  qty(2, "g")
## <mk_mass[5]>
## [1] 1000    1    2    3 2000

Missing data

Missing data (NA), empty vector (numeric(0)) and infinity placeholders (Inf, -Inf) are supported in all quantities and work the same as in any other R vectors.

qty(NA, "mg")
## <mk_mass[1]>
## [1] NA
qty(Inf, "mg")
## <mk_mass[1]>
## [1] Inf
qty(numeric(0), "mg")
## <mk_mass[0]>
qty(c(10, NA, -Inf, Inf, numeric(0)), "mg")
## <mk_mass[4]>
## [1]   10   NA -Inf  Inf


To check whether something is a quantity, use the is_qty() function. To check whether something is a specific type of quantity, use e.g. is_mass().

qty(1, "mg") %>% is_qty() # is a quantity
## [1] TRUE
qty(1, "mg") %>% is_mass() # is a mass
## [1] TRUE
1 %>% is_qty() # not a quantity
## [1] FALSE